This blog is about emerging trends in educations towards using technology and coding devices in the classroom. Coding devices such as spheres, raspberry Pi, Lego “Current trends in education towards coding devices”
Category: My Blog
Pros & Cons of using technology in the classroom
Shall we use technology in the classroom? And how much is too much? I believe that using technology in the classroom can be a great “Pros & Cons of using technology in the classroom”
Tech Task #8 Learning Computational Thinking and scratch at distance
The aim of this article is to address the difficulties that teachers face when teaching Computational Thinking and using Scratch in the classroom. To find “Tech Task #8 Learning Computational Thinking and scratch at distance”
Matteo DiMiro – Coding & Flipped Classrooms
I really enjoyed today’s guest speaker Matteo DiMiro. Matteo talked about the Pros & Cons of Flipped Classrooms, how to implement them as a new “Matteo DiMiro – Coding & Flipped Classrooms”